Who We Are
Lodge Firth Of Clyde Gourock No.626
We are the oldest Masonic Lodge in Gourock situated on the sunny banks of the Firth of Clyde. We are of course a Victorian Lodge having been constituted in 1878. We would like to think of ourselves as a warm and welcoming Lodge and would be delighted to receive any visitors to our meetings. Thank you for visiting our site!

Right Worshipful Master

On behalf of all the brethren welcome to the website of lodge Firth of Clyde Gourock.
We hope to use this website to keep all our members, friends And visitors up to date with meetings of the lodge, lodge events and any work in the community we are undertaking.
I trust you find the information on the website useful and enjoyable, and I look forward to welcoming Freemasons into the lodge in the near future.

RWM & Office Bearers 2022/23
Right Worshipful Master - Brian Stewart McClure
Immediate Past Master - Graeme Wallace PM
Depute Master - Raymond D Bruce PM
Substitute Master - Kenneth M. McCrae PM
First Past Master - David D Stevenson PM
Second Past Master - Nicholas R R Stetz PM
Senior Warden - Stewart R McFadyen
Junior Warden - Iain Wallace
Secretary - David D Stevenson PM
Treasurer - Brian G. Hopkins PM
Chaplain - James P. Livingstone PM
Almoner - James Turpie PM
Senior Deacon - Greig Turner
Junior Deacon - Kenneth R Campbell
Inner Guard - Scott Beaton
Architect - Nicky McAusland
Jeweller - Allan Anderson
Director of Ceremonies -
Bible Bearer - Andrew J Samuel
Director of Music - Andrew G Pigott PM
President of Stewards - Alexander Black
Steward - Robert Love
Steward - Duncan Pigott
Steward - Corey Beaton
Tyler - Ian W. Savage
Past Masters

By the second part of the 19th century, Gourock was fast becoming a developing and popular town with a need to satisfy the social and cultural needs of its people. Gourock Curling Club was formed in 1858, a Chess Club in 1878 and the Gourock Sailing Club in 1894 (later in 1908 to become the Royal Gourock Yacht Club). Ploughing matches were organised, tennis, putting, badminton, miniature rifle shooting clubs all flourished and there was even an organised clay pigeon shoot on New Year’s Day. It was against this backdrop that a group of local freemasons inevitably got together to consider a Masonic Lodge for the town of Gourock. At that time, freemasons living in Gourock either had to travel to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No. XII or to Lodge Greenock St John's No. 175 in Greenock or further to Lodge Doric Kilwinning No. 68 or Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No. 217 in Port Glasgow. Given the poor transport facilities which existed, this must have been a difficult journey especially on cold winter nights. A petition was therefore compiled and submitted to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a Lodge to be constituted in Gourock under the title of Lodge “Firth of Clyde”. A Charter was granted on Monday 6th May 1878 and presented on Friday 10th May 1878 at the Commissioners’ Rooms which stood across from the former Municipal Buildings at the Pierhead on the ground now occupied by the Health Centre complex and the Lodge itself was consecrated on the 2nd July 1878, in the Gamble Institute.
​The membership of the Lodge consisted of the 26 founder members supplemented by a further 8 honorary members and following the consecration of the Lodge, the first meeting was held on 15th July 1878. Meetings were held in various locations, including the Commissioner’s Rooms, the Gamble Institute and the Free Church Hall in John Street, which is not the location of the current Temple but more likely the building recently occupied by the Ex-Servicemen’s club. While there was undoubtedly a desire on the part of the brethren to have their own premises, the minute of 17th April 1895 makes reference to a requirement to leave the present hall and a committee was therefore created to consider the options available. ​
The foundation stone of the new Temple was laid on the 1st February 1896 by the Right Worshipful Master Brother Captain Robert Duncan. The brethren firstly met in the Gamble Institute and marched in procession led by a band of the local army volunteers, via Bath Street, Royal Street and John Street to the site. The foundation stone was then laid, with full Masonic Honours by the Right Worshipful Master ably assisted by his office-bearers. Under the stone were placed coins of the realm and local newspapers and the first meeting of the Lodge took place on 1st September 1896.
In 1905, an extension was added to the rear of the hall to form what became known as the Burns Room, the Master’s Room and the kitchen at which point, the Lodge began to resemble the way it was shortly before the fire in 2008.
Prominent early members
If you have been carefully noting some of the names referred to above, you will have noticed the number of brethren of the Lodge who were prominent in the administration of the town’s affairs during those early years of the Lodge. Brothers Robert Binnie, James Adam, John M Adam, James Mathie and later Sloan Macmillan all served as Provosts and later had streets named after them in the town. Brother Duncan McPherson PM, left a bequest to the town which enabled a small hospital to be built in Midton in 1925.
The Lodge Jubilee 1928 ​
The Jubilee of the Lodge in 1928 was marked with the rededication of the Lodge on Monday 7th May 1928 by the then Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother Sir Hugh Shaw Stewart with Right Worshipful Master Brother Arthur T Russell presiding in the Chair of the Lodge.
Centenary Celebration
​The rededication of the Lodge took place on Saturday 6th May 1978, with the ceremony being held in the Lodge Temple carried out by Grand Lodge headed by the most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Brother Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslement assisted by a very large deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Centenary of the Lodge Temple ​The Lodge continued to perform as well as any and in 1996, it held a rededication of the Lodge Temple, being by that time exactly 100 years old. ​In 2003, the Lodge celebrated its 125th anniversary with a special meeting and dance chaired by Right Worshipful Master Brother Jim Porter. ​
Many thanks to James P. Livingstone PM for providing the website with this history!
Robert McWhirter
George Haldane
Robert McWhirter
James Fletcher
James Erskine
John Craig
Robert Binnie J.P.
Alexander McPherson
Cpt Robert Duncan
John Dixon
Charles E Stewart
Cpt Duncan McPherson J.P
Robert Campbell
John M Adam
James Mathie
Harry White
Robert C Cousins
Matthew McGlinchey
William Callender
William L Adam
David O'Reilly
William Gilmour
Fred Campbell
Arthur T Russell
Alexander Anderson
Alex Robertson
George Coltart
Daniel McLean
Robert Tweedie
Hugh Talman
Arthur Worthington
William Mc W Campbell
James C Wilson
William J Baggott
James H Gordon
William Ritchie
David Bogle
1878 - 1880
1880 - 1882
1882 - 1884
1885 - 1887
1887 - 1890
1890 - 1892
1892 - 1894
1894 - 1897
1897 - 1901
1901 - 1904
1904 - 1907
1907 - 1909
1909 - 1912
1912 - 1914
1914 - 1918
1918 - 1920
1920 - 1921
1921 - 1922
1922 - 1923
1923 - 1924
1924 - 1925
1925 - 1927
1927 - 1928
1928 - 1929
1929 - 1931
1931 - 1933
1933 - 1934
1934 - 1936
1936 - 1937
1937 - 1938
1938 - 1939
1939 - 1942
1942 - 1944
1944 - 1946
1946 - 1948
1948 - 1950
Past Masters
John B Henderson
Robert Paterson
John H Watt
James Leitch
William G Brown
Robert McKinnon
Reginald G Ward
Archibald Glass
Robert Harvey
David K Steel
William C Munro
James Melville
Robert Hammond
Cornelius Coward
Robert Cameron
David Munro
Murdo Munro
Rudolf L Stetz
Raymond D Bruce
Stewart McClure
Robert M Wilson
James P Livingstone
John D Turpie
David J K Steel
James C Turpie
Ivor G W Gibson
George Banks
Brian G Hopkins
James G Porter
Kenneth M McCrae
Robert McIntyre Jnr.
Norman A Henderson
Thomas F M Trotter
Ian Mcfadyen
Andrew Pigott
Nicholas R R Stetz
David D Stevenson
1950 – 1951
1951 – 1953
1953 – 1954
1954 – 1956
1956 – 1957
1957 – 1959
1959 – 1961
1961 – 1963
1963 – 1965
1965 – 1967
1967 - 1969
1969 – 1971
1971 – 1973
1973 – 1975
1975 – 1977
1977 – 1979
1979 – 1981
1981 – 1983
1983 – 1985
1985 – 1987
1987 – 1989
1989 – 1991
1991 – 1993
1993 – 1995
1995 – 1997
1997 -1998
1998 – 2000
2000 – 2002
2002 – 2004
2004 – 2006
2006 - 2008
2008 - 2009
2009 - 2011
2011 - 2013
2013 - 2015
2015 - 2017
2017 - 2019

Our History